use std::env; use actix_files::{Files, NamedFile}; use actix_web::{ delete, get, post, web::{self, Redirect}, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder, }; use rusqlite::Connection; mod database; mod utils; // This struct represents state struct AppState { db: Connection, } // Define the routes // Add new links #[post("/api/new")] async fn add_link(req: String, data: web::Data) -> HttpResponse { let out = utils::add_link(req, &data.db); if out.0 { HttpResponse::Ok().body(out.1) } else { HttpResponse::BadRequest().body(out.1) } } // Return all active links #[get("/api/all")] async fn getall(data: web::Data) -> HttpResponse { HttpResponse::Ok().body(utils::getall(&data.db)) } // Get the site URL #[get("/api/siteurl")] async fn siteurl() -> HttpResponse { let site_url = env::var("site_url").unwrap_or("unset".to_string()); HttpResponse::Ok().body(site_url) } // 404 error page #[get("/err/404")] async fn error404() -> impl Responder { NamedFile::open_async("./resources/404.html").await } // Handle a given shortlink #[get("/{shortlink}")] async fn link_handler(shortlink: web::Path, data: web::Data) -> impl Responder { let shortlink_str = shortlink.to_string(); let longlink = utils::get_longurl(shortlink_str, &data.db); if longlink == "".to_string() { Redirect::to("/err/404") } else { database::add_hit(shortlink.as_str(), &data.db); Redirect::to(longlink).permanent() } } // Delete a given shortlink #[delete("/api/del/{shortlink}")] async fn delete_link(shortlink: web::Path, data: web::Data) -> HttpResponse { database::delete_link(shortlink.to_string(), &data.db); HttpResponse::Ok().body("") } #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { HttpServer::new(|| { App::new() .app_data(web::Data::new(AppState { db: database::open_db(env::var("db_url").unwrap_or("./urls.sqlite".to_string())), })) .service(link_handler) .service(error404) .service(getall) .service(siteurl) .service(add_link) .service(delete_link) .service(Files::new("/", "./resources/").index_file("index.html")) }) .bind(("", 2000))? .run() .await }